Function detecting gaps in the sequence of case identifiers

detect_case_id_sequence_gaps(activitylog, details, filter_condition)



The activity log


Boolean indicating wheter details of the results need to be shown


Condition that is used to extract a subset of the activity log prior to the application of the function


data.frame providing an overview of the case identifiers which are expected, but which are not present in the activity log


# \donttest{ data("hospital_actlog") detect_case_id_sequence_gaps(activitylog = hospital_actlog)
#> *** OUTPUT ***
#> It was checked whether there are gaps in the sequence of case IDs
#> From the 27 expected cases in the activity log, ranging from 510 to 536, 5 (18.52%) are missing.
#> These case numbers are:
#> case present #> 1 511 FALSE #> 2 513 FALSE #> 3 514 FALSE #> 4 515 FALSE #> 5 516 FALSE
# }