Function detecting time anomalies, which can refer to activities with negative or zero duration

  anomaly_type = c("both", "negative", "zero"),
  details = TRUE,
  filter_condition = NULL



The activity log


Type of anomalies that need to be detected (either "negative", "zero" or "both")


Boolean indicating wheter details of the results need to be shown


Condition that is used to extract a subset of the activity log prior to the application of the function


activitylog containing the rows of the original activity log for which a negative or zero duration is detected, together with the duration value and whether it constitutes a zero or negative duration


# \donttest{ data("hospital_actlog") detect_time_anomalies(activitylog = hospital_actlog)
#> Selected anomaly type: both
#> *** OUTPUT ***
#> For 5 rows in the activity log (9.43%), an anomaly is detected.
#> The anomalies are spread over the activities as follows:
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3 #> # Groups: activity [3] #> activity type n #> <chr> <chr> <int> #> 1 Registration negative duration 3 #> 2 Clinical exam zero duration 1 #> 3 Trage negative duration 1
#> Anomalies are found in the following rows:
#> # A tibble: 5 x 9 #> patient_visit_nr activity originator start complete #> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dttm> <dttm> #> 1 518 Registr~ Clerk 12 2017-11-21 11:45:16 2017-11-21 11:22:16 #> 2 518 Registr~ Clerk 6 2017-11-21 11:45:16 2017-11-21 11:22:16 #> 3 518 Registr~ Clerk 9 2017-11-21 11:45:16 2017-11-21 11:22:16 #> 4 520 Trage Nurse 17 2017-11-21 13:43:16 2017-11-21 13:39:00 #> 5 528 Clinica~ Doctor 1 2017-11-21 19:00:00 2017-11-21 19:00:00 #> # ... with 4 more variables: triagecode <dbl>, specialization <chr>, #> # duration <dbl>, type <chr>
# }