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Filters the log based on case identifier. This method has a cases argument, to which a vector of identifiers can be given. The selection can be negated with the reverse argument.


filter_case(log, cases, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())

# S3 method for log
filter_case(log, cases, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())

# S3 method for grouped_log
filter_case(log, cases, reverse = FALSE, eventlog = deprecated())



log: Object of class log or derivatives (grouped_log, eventlog, activitylog, etc.).


character vector: A vector of cases identifiers.


logical (default FALSE): Indicating whether the selection should be reversed.


[Deprecated]; please use log instead.


When given an object of type log, it will return a filtered log. When given an object of type grouped_log, the filter will be applied in a stratified way (i.e. each separately for each group). The returned log will be grouped on the same variables as the original log.

Methods (by class)

  • filter_case(log): Filters cases for a log.

  • filter_case(grouped_log): Filters cases for a grouped_log.


Swennen, M. (2018). Using Event Log Knowledge to Support Operational Exellence Techniques (Doctoral dissertation). Hasselt University.