Installs the pm4py package and its dependencies using pip since no Conda package is available. Further information on the parameters can be found in the reticulate package documentation: In some cases (multiple Python versions installed) it might be useful to specify the exact path to the conda binary.

install_pm4py(method = "auto", conda = "auto", version = NULL, ...)



Installation method. By default, "auto" automatically finds a method that will work in the local environment. Change the default to force a specific installation method. Note that the "virtualenv" method is not available on Windows.


Path to conda executable (or "auto" to find conda using the PATH and other conventional install locations).


Optional parameter overriding the PM4Py version that will be installed. Note that the R pm4py package was only tested against the default PM4Py version that will be installed.


Additional arguments passed to py_install().


Additional requirements, for example, a C++ compiler and GraphViz might need to be installed to leverage all functionality. Please refer to the PM4Py documentation for details:


# \donttest{ pm4py::install_pm4py() # Specify path to conda pm4py::install_pm4py(method = "conda", conda = "/home/user/miniconda3/bin/conda") # Install specific version of PM4Py pm4py::install_pm4py(version = "1.2.7") # }