This renderer uses Leaflet to draw the nodes and egdes of the process map on a geographical map.
edge_coordinates = data.frame(act_from = character(0), act_to = character(0), lat =
numeric(0), lng = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
layer = c(paste0("new L.TileLayer('", tile, "',"), paste0("{ attribution : '",
attribution_osm(), "'})")),
tile = "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
options = list(),
grayscale = TRUE,
icon_act = icon_marker(),
icon_start = icon_circle(),
icon_end = icon_circle(),
scale_max = 4,
scale_min = 0.25
A data frame with node coordinates in the format `act`, `lat`, `lng`.
A data frame with additional edge coordinates in the format `act_from`, `act_to`, `lat`, `lng`.
The JavaScript code used to create a Leaflet layer. A TileLayer is used as default value.
The URL to be used for the standard Leaflet TileLayer.
A named list of leaflet options, such as the center point of the map and the initial zoom level.
Whether to apply a grayscale filter to the map.
The SVG code used for the activity icon.
The SVG code used for the start icon.
The SVG code used for the end icon.
The maximum factor to be used to scale the process map with when zooming out.
The minimum factor to be used to scale the process map with when zooming in.
A rendering function to be used with animate_process
# Animate the example process with activities placed in some locations
renderer = renderer_leaflet(
node_coordinates = data.frame(
act = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "ARTIFICIAL_START", "ARTIFICIAL_END"),
lat = c(63.443680, 63.426925, 63.409207, 63.422336, 63.450950, 63.419706),
lng = c(10.383625, 10.396972, 10.406418, 10.432119, 10.383368, 10.252347),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
edge_coordinates = data.frame(
act_from = c("B"),
act_to = c("C"),
lat = c(63.419207),
lng = c(10.386418),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
options = list(center = c(63.412273, 10.399590), zoom = 12)),
duration = 5, repeat_count = Inf)