Creates a `list` of parameters suitable to be used as token scale in (token_aes) for mapping values to certain aesthetics of the tokens in a process map animation. Refer to the d3-scale documentation ( for more information about how to set `domain` and `range` properly.

  attribute = NULL,
  scale = c("identity", "linear", "sqrt", "log", "quantize", "ordinal", "time"),
  domain = NULL,
  range = NULL



This may be (1) the name of the event attribute to be used as values, (2) a data frame with three columns (case, time, value) in which the values in the case column are matching the case identifier of the supplied event log, or (3) a constant value that does not change over time.


Which D3 scale function to be used out of `identity`, `linear`, `sqrt`, `log`, `quantize`, `ordinal`, or `time`.


The domain of the D3 scale function. Can be left NULL in which case it will be automatically determined based on the values.


The range of the D3 scale function. Should be a vector of two or more numerical values.


A scale to be used with `token_mapping`



# (1) Change token color based on a factor attribute
 legend = "color",
 mapping = token_aes(color = token_scale("res", scale = "ordinal",
  range = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Paired"))))
# (2) Change token color based on second data frame x <- data.frame(case = as.character(rep(c(1,2,3), 2)), time = seq(from = as.POSIXct("2018-10-03 03:41:00"), to = as.POSIXct("2018-10-03 06:00:00"), length.out = 6), value = rep(c("orange", "green"), 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) animate_process(example_log, mode = "relative", jitter = 10, legend = "color", mapping = token_aes(color = token_scale(x)))
# (3) Constant token color animate_process(example_log, legend = "color", mapping = token_aes(color = token_scale("red")))