Dotted charts can be made with dotted_chart(). A dotted
chart is a graph in which each activity instance is displayed by a dot.
The x-axis refers to the time aspect, while the y-axis refers to cases.
The dotted chart function has 3 arguments:
absolute: absolute time on x-axis
relative: time difference since start case on x-axis
relative_day: time difference since start of day on x-axis
relative_week: time difference since start of week on x-axis (Mondag
sort: The ordering of the cases along the y-axis:
start, end, duration, start_day, or
start_week. Value auto (default) will set sort
appropriately given the argument for x
color: The attribute used to color the activity
instances. Defaults to the activity type.
Below, you can see some examples for dotted charts with various