Adapting your model


Additional features

Additional features to be used by the model, beyond activity sequences and default features, can be defined when using prepare_examples(). The example below shows how the month in which a case is started can be added as a feature.

# preprocessed dataset with categorical hot encoded features
df_next_time <- traffic_fines %>% 
  group_by_case() %>%
  mutate(month = lubridate::month(min(timestamp), label = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup_eventlog() %>%
  prepare_examples(task = "next_time", features = "month") %>% split_train_test()
# the attributes of df are added or changed accordingly
df_next_time$train_df %>% attr("features")
#>  [1] "latest_duration"      "throughput_time"      "processing_time"     
#>  [4] "time_before_activity" "month_jan"            "month_feb"           
#>  [7] "month_mrt"            "month_apr"            "month_mei"           
#> [10] "month_jun"            "month_jul"            "month_aug"           
#> [13] "month_sep"            "month_okt"            "month_nov"           
#> [16] "month_dec"
# the month feature is hot-encoded
df_next_time$train_df %>% attr("hot_encoded_categorical_features")
#>  [1] "month_jan" "month_feb" "month_mrt" "month_apr" "month_mei" "month_jun"
#>  [7] "month_jul" "month_aug" "month_sep" "month_okt" "month_nov" "month_dec"

Additional features can be either numerical variables, or factors. Numerical variables will be automatically normalized. Factors will automatically be converted to hot-encoded variables. A few important notes:

  • Character values are not accepted, and should be transformed to factors.
  • We assume that no features have missing values. If there are any, these should be imputed or removed before using prepare_examples().
  • Finally, in case the data is an event log, features should have single values for each activity instance. Start and complete event should thus have a single unique value of a variable for it to be used as feature.

Changing model dimensions

When it comes to the model itself some parameters are set by default, but can of course be adjusted. Below, a quick overview of each one of these parameters:

  • num_heads: A number of attention heads of the keras::layer_multi_head_attention(). The more attention heads, the more representational power a multi-head attention layer has to encode (relationships between) each activity instance. Default: 4.
  • output_dim: A dimension of the dense embedding of the keras::layer_embedding(), a key_dim parameter of the keras::layer_multi_head_attention() and a units (dimensionality of the output space) parameter of the 2nd keras::layer_dense() in the feed-forward (sequential) network of the transformer architecture. Default: 36.
  • dim_ff: units parameter of the 1st keras::layer_dense() in the feed-forward (sequential) network of the transformer architecture, i.e. the width (number of nodes) of the neural network layer. Default 64.

Customize model architecture

Instead of using the standard off the shelf transformer model that comes with processpredictR, you can customize the model. One way to do this, is by using the custom argument of the create_model() function. The resulting model will then only contain the input layers of the model, as shown below.

df <- prepare_examples(traffic_fines, task = "next_activity") %>% split_train_test()
custom_model <- df$train_df %>% create_model(custom = TRUE, name = "my_custom_model")
#> Model: "my_custom_model"
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
#>  Layer (type)                       Output Shape                    Param #     
#> ================================================================================
#>  input_2 (InputLayer)               [(None, 9)]                     0           
#>  token_and_position_embedding_1 (To  (None, 9, 36)                  828         
#>  kenAndPositionEmbedding)                                                       
#>  transformer_block_1 (TransformerBl  (None, 9, 36)                  26056       
#>  ock)                                                                           
#>  global_average_pooling1d_1 (Global  (None, 36)                     0           
#>  AveragePooling1D)                                                              
#> ================================================================================
#> Total params: 26,884
#> Trainable params: 26,884
#> Non-trainable params: 0
#> ________________________________________________________________________________

You can than stack layers on top of your custom model as you prefer, using the stack_layers() function. This function avoids some extra coding that is needed if keras is used directly (see customization with keras).

custom_model <- custom_model %>%
  stack_layers(layer_dropout(rate = 0.1)) %>% 
  stack_layers(layer_dense(units = 64, activation = 'relu'))
#> Model: "my_custom_model"
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
#>  Layer (type)                       Output Shape                    Param #     
#> ================================================================================
#>  input_2 (InputLayer)               [(None, 9)]                     0           
#>  token_and_position_embedding_1 (To  (None, 9, 36)                  828         
#>  kenAndPositionEmbedding)                                                       
#>  transformer_block_1 (TransformerBl  (None, 9, 36)                  26056       
#>  ock)                                                                           
#>  global_average_pooling1d_1 (Global  (None, 36)                     0           
#>  AveragePooling1D)                                                              
#>  dropout_6 (Dropout)                (None, 36)                      0           
#>  dense_6 (Dense)                    (None, 64)                      2368        
#> ================================================================================
#> Total params: 29,252
#> Trainable params: 29,252
#> Non-trainable params: 0
#> ________________________________________________________________________________
# this works too
# we pass multiple keras-package layers separated by comma
custom_model %>%
  stack_layers(layer_dropout(rate = 0.1), layer_dense(units = 64, activation = 'relu'))

Once you have finalized your model, with an appropriate output-layer (which should have the correct amount of outputs, as recorded in customer_model$num_outputs and an appropriate activation function), you can use the compile(), fit(), predict() and evaluate() functions as seen before in the previous introductory example.

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